+49 6081 600-200

Premium Distribution

We speak the language
of our partners!

»Premium distribution« is our local promise.

Whether in Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, England, Sweden, Hungary or many other countries – we are always close by and speak the same language. Fast and accurate delivery are, of course, a given for us.Currently, our teams at 14 locations worldwide serve 44 countries and are your direct line to Jarltech premium distribution service.

We are a professional team!

Since 1990, Jarltech has been growing steadily – and usually faster than our competition.

There is a good reason for that. We operate our own warehouse logistics and avoid outsourcing wherever possible. We have always relied on our own ERP system, which we can quickly adapt to the needs of our customers and to market requirements.

With our own fleet we serve the logistics hubs of parcel services in Germany, Austria and France. In the United Arab Emirates, we even deliver the goods ourselves. A separate, certified customs department handles the exports.

We have trained many of our employees ourselves. All areas and departments are led by long-standing employees who know what matters most to our dealers.

Our hardware and software staging departments meet almost every need. All of those 20 employees are available for technical support.

We are happy to pass on our know-how: we are constantly providing training courses for our dealers’ technicians and sales staff – that’s why the full range of our portfolio is available in our Showroom.

You are
always our focus!

As a Jarltech customer, you are Jarltech’s premium customer.

Whether you’re ordering just one POS system or 5,000 scanners, we’ll do everything possible to make your business as enjoyable and simple as possible.Long waiting times, complex processes and endless searches cost you unnecessary time, nerves and money. However, you want to earn money and provide first-class solutions to your customers – quickly and reliably. We’ll support you along the way and take care of the rest – try it for yourself.

Speed is one of our strengths!

As a premium distributor we place high demand on our own skills.

Therefore we do not outsource work. We prefer to invest into powerful teams and their continuing education. After all, the experience and know-how of our employees allows us to react quickly to movement in the market – giving you even faster quotations, information, customer limits and other decisions. For more speed, we also rely on our own ERP system. This helps us with planning and management, and also allows us to react more flexibly to your requests.

Quick Delivery

Your customers want to receive their goods quickly …

… we support you with extremely fast delivery. We process all incoming orders received by 21:30 the same day. Plus, our own vehicle fleet is there to quickly transport your goods from us to you, or your customers.Your order should arrive safely – and exactly as ordered. Our internal process is designed to prevent packing errors and shipping damage.When order picking, a double scan system ensures that you receive exactly the goods that you have ordered. To minimise packing errors we use the four-eyes principle, as well as cameras, during shipment preparation.Of course, we use safe packaging and packaging material to protect your goods in the best possible way.We also place great importance on our shipping partners. There is a reason why we have not chosen the cheap parcel and pallet shipper, and it is based on decades of experience. That’s why the rate of shipping damage at Jarltech is very minute.

  • Orders placed by 21:30 will be processed the same day
  • Our own trucks commute between Jarltech and UPS until 23:00
  • Daily trips with our own sprinters to Austria and France
  • Pallet shipping the same day until 16:00
  • Upon request, a 4-hour delivery within a radius of 150 km
  • UPS Express deliveries (for an additional charge)

Discover even more premium

Discover the exciting world of Jarltech premium distribution