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(Value Add) Why does Jarltech need a restaurant?

Here’s a question I was often asked over the last days. As a short intro (not everyone reads the local press from the Taunus): Effective December 1st, 2019 we will be operating the restaurant »essWebers« in Usingen – in a half-timbered house built in 1704, lovingly restored by the city of Usingen and lovingly cooked and managed by the Weber couple for the last five years.


Comment: One competitor less?

Yesterday, an American competitor of ours announced on the stock exchange that it would like to discontinue the distribution of »non-digital products«, i.e. hardware, in some geographical areas. Among those areas affected is Europe. The business should be sold. But it is not said to whom, or if there are already negotiations, or when that could be.


Dress code and Jarltech fashion

Even Jarltech has a dress code. Ergo, a suit for customer visits, otherwise just a shirt with a collar (not folded up), no visible tattoos and no sportswear in the office. Anyone who jogs into the office in the morning can please immediately change his clothes. Only the boss is allowed to wear ripped jeans, if he has no appointments (mostly).